GIRI - Geographical Imaginations Research Institute

Aspire to become the leading global platform for spreading geography and advancing geography education.
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Aspire to become the leading global platform for spreading geography and advancing geography education.

Ongoing Projects

JJ Friends online platform, facilitating connections among educational sectors and youth from over 120 countries worldwide

Our Completed Work

Development of World Geography Education Content in Over 120 Countries: Initiating online/offline educational initiatives for global career guidance, nurturing geographic imagination, and collaborating with experts from the Third world

Health Advice


Our Achievements

Created videos for the JJ (Jeonbuk Jamboree + Joyful Jamboree + Joyful Journey) Summer School and devising educational programs.


Experts with extensive records and knowledge on Geography and Education

Recent Blog Posts

Read our Recent Posts to keep upto date with our projects

Our Global Network

Extensive network of experts, organisations and institutions we have worked with.